Chemical Peels from Skin Medica® come in three strengths from mild to deep. These are done separate from facials, as the peeling solution gets left on the skin to 'self neutralize.'


What to expect during a chemical peel:

  • A thorough consultation and skin analysis will determine which peel is right for you, and what kind of results to expect. We will go over how to care for your skin the next few days during the healing process.

  • Your skin will be cleansed and the peeling solutions will be applied, followed by SPF.

  • We will review post-peel care and you will be given samples of gentle skincare to use for the next 5 to 7 days.




How do chemical peels improve the skin?

Chemical peeling is a procedure that aims to accelerate skin exfoliation by the use of chemical substances resulting in renewed, healthier looking skin and more uniform complexion. 

Who can benefit from SkinMedica® Peels? 

SkinMedica® Peels address the visible skin imperfections that result from skin aging and sun exposure, such as fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture. Peels also address skin tone unevenness that can be caused by acne scarring or pigmentary changes. SkinMedica® offers a range of different strength chemical peels that licensed medical professionals can select to provide the optimum treatment for their patients.

How do I decide which particular peel is most beneficial for me?

During the initial consultation, we will evaluate your skin condition and recommend the appropriate peel regimen based on your needs.

Can pregnant or lactating women receive these peels?

SkinMedica® peels should not be administered to pregnant or lactating women.